Monday, February 26, 2007

This chinese new year has been the pits. Working almost everyday and being on call on the second day really takes the fucking cake. Moreover the call wasn't as slack as it was supposed to be. Why can't these people just fucking stay at home? Fell down - come back on thurs, broke wrist - come back on fri, broke wtf-bone - come back on sat!!!

But it's been fun hanging out with the orthopods. I think the consultant's attitudes are rubbing on us HOs, we are becoming mushy brained. All we think about is lunch and drinks after work.(which by the way should be what we think about everyday anyway- saving lives is just along the way)

Had a great friday night with Jin & Ame, CCH aka gay boi, RR, skywalker and J. It was drinks at brewerkz, drinks at Prince of Wales and more drinks at Haciendas! Can't remember a time in the recent past that i drank so much, as well as enjoyed myself. Sad life.

A Scanner Darkly. A+
WTF man. This movie fucking rocked my socks off. No spoilers. Just go fucking beg, borrow, steal, buy pirated versions, rent, download this movie!!!!!!

Just My Luck and Nacho Libre. F-
2 fucking garbage movies.